Monday 28 May 2012

Plaster hung

All the walls have plaster now and they have started sealing the joins. The brickies have also been getting quite a bit done and are working on the lower level around the back of the house now. They erected some trestles at the end of last week, but I can't see that any higher brickwork has been started yet.
We had organised to get another 50 tonne of the recycled concrete out to help fix the holes various trucks have made as well as continue the drive on up to our garage, but it hasn't been delivered yet. Going to be quite a bit of work for Stu spreading that once it all arrives.
The two house tanks were delivered late last week. Due to the rain and boggyness of the ground, they could only be delivered to our gate, don't think the builders are going to be happy having to move them so far.
Stu spent a few hours out there on Sunday backfilling a trench...he got a little dirty...

Front of house

The living room raked ceiling. I love it!

Stu playing in the mud hehe


  1. Yay plaster! Its great to see the finished height of the ceilings. Are you thinking about furniture placement and other interior decorating yet?

    1. Hi Darkbyte. We are mostly taking our current furniture with us, I am definitely picturing where it will all go. We will get a new lounge suite after we move in (due to our current one needing replacement luckily) I am thinking that a corner suite might suit the living room best, but will play with our current 4 piece in there to help work it out.
